jueves, 2 de junio de 2011

The rarest species listed year

The International Institute for Species Exploration at the University of Arizona published the list of 2011


Rare species were published by the University of Arizona(Foto: Especial )

Wednesday May 25, 2011 Redacción | El Universal00:34

Like every year, the International Institute for Species Exploration at the University of Arizona published the Top 10 new species in 2011.
The selection was made by a committee of experts from around the world, chaired by Mary Liz Jameson, a professor at the University of Wichita.
Nominations were received through the website.
The list of winners is next:
Caerostris darwini. A spider discovered in Madagascar, weaving fabrics of a size and strength than ever before. It is capable of manufacturing the biological material world's toughest, which can trap up to 30 prisoners at the same time.
Mycena luxaeterna.  A fungus that lives in the forests of Brazil, which measures eight millimeters and a green light shines in the darkness.
Halomonas titanicae. The bacteria was found in the sunken hull of the Titanic and has a metabolism based on iron dissolution, which could be useful in the elimination of old ships and oil rigs that are in depth.
Varanus bitatawa.  The lizard of Luzon island in the Philippines, measures nearly two m long and weigh 10 kg and eats fruit.
Glomeremus orchidophilus. It is a small cricket that lives in Reunion Island, Indian Ocean, and is the only known pollinator of the orchid Angraecum cadetii, which is threatened.
Philantomba walteri. The mammal, a new type of West African antelope, was found in a street market, where it sold as bushmeat.
 Tyrannobdella rex.  It is a leech discovered five centimeters inside the nose of a man in Peru, is different from other because it only has a jaw and a tooth.

Psathyrella aquatica. The fungus was found in a river in Oregon. Their life cycle is under water.

Saltoblattella montistabularis. Jumping is a cockroach who lives in South Africa. Due to the length and size of modified legs can move by jumping.
Halieutichthys intermedius. intermedius. It is called "fish pancake" for its color and flattened shape, like a cookie. It was discovered at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico.

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