sábado, 4 de junio de 2011

known astronomical events of the week

Eclipses. This month there will be two events of this type, a solar and a lunar(Foto: Especial )Friday June 3, 2011 Andrés Eloy Martínez | El Universal22:42

Saturday 4 Procyon, the brightest star in Canes Minor, the lesser dog, is toward the lower left of the Moon at nightfall.Pollux and Castor, the "twins" of Gemini, frame on our satellite but towards the top right.
Sunday 5 Cygnus, the swan, begins to rise to prominence of the summer sky. Is low in the east and northeast a couple of hours before the start of the Sun His long, grace.
Monday 6 The night sky is alive with creeping snakes, a dragon, an iguana, and a scorpion. The oldest is Draco, the dragon, which lies between Ursa Major and Ursa Minor. Almost 5000 years ago its brightest star, Thuban, served as the Polaris.
Tuesday 7 Regulus, the star that marks the "heart" of Leo, the lion shines brilliantly into the top right of the moon tonight.
Wednesday 8 The bright Venus is rising in the light in the dawn sky. Seen as amounting to about 45 minutes to an hour before sunrise is so bright that, with a clear horizon, you will not have trouble finding it.
Thursday 9 The moon is moving closer to the planet Saturn and the star spica. Tonight, Saturn is at the top left of the Moon at nightfall, with spica and farther to the left of the Moon. Tomorrow night, spica will be closer to the moon.
Friday 10 The sun, moon and planets move in front of the zodiac, the "path of the animals." The only member inanimate zodiac is Libra, the scales of justice. Libra is arched across the southern sky tonight. Its four main stars form a parallelogram.

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