sábado, 2 de julio de 2011

Know astronomical events of the week

Starts the month and with it the star Spica in the constellation Virgo in the sky (Foto: Especial Hubblesite.org )
Friday July 1, 2011 Redacción | El Universal22:48

Saturday July 2Look for the planet Mercury low in the west from a half hour after sunset the sun looks like a star is quite bright, but it is so low in the sky that is hard to find. Tonight is just the top right of the crescent moon is as thin as a nail.
Sunday July 3A bright point of light that looks like a star on the right side of the moon at dusk this evening. Despite its brightness is so low in the sky that is hard to find. This is the planet Mercury.

Monday July 4Regulus, the bright heart of Leo, the lion crouches near the Moon, to his right upper nightfall today. They are low in the sky, so we see through a thicker layer of the atmosphere as if they were above, overhead (zenith).
Tuesday July 5Only a planet shines during the night this month: Saturn, the second largest planet in the solar system. It's about half of the southwest sky at dusk and it looks like a bright golden star. Is placed after midnight.

Wednesday July 6The Moon is passing over Saturn tonight. The planet looks like a shiny gold star to the upper left of the Moon at nightfall. Through a telescope you can see the bright, beautiful rings of Saturn.
Thursday July 7The giant planet Saturn is at the top right of the moon tonight. It looks like a gold star. The real star Spica, the brightest star in the constellation Virgo, is to the upper left of Saturn.

Friday July 8Moon and Spica form a nice combination tonight in the constellation Virgo, which is often depicted carrying two bundles of wheat, one marked by the bright star Spike or Spica (Alpha Virginis), "spike" of medieval farmers.
The location of Virgo is easy with this star, which lies along a curve of stars ranging from the constellation Ursa Major.

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