viernes, 25 de noviembre de 2011

There is controversy about evolution among scientists?

At present no because evidence in its favor are overwhelming, their simple functioning and because the arguments against them are wrong in their bases or have been resolved earlier.

But if evolution is accepted in the scientific field not all scientists accept the same mechanism by which it works and how it does. For example, the best known and accepted is the natural selection, but there are other mechanisms such as accidental mutations, so the classical Darwinian theory of natural selection had to be combined with Mendelian genetics and the accidental mutations as methods for the diversity of which natural selection just as its name says selects the best adapted individuals. Thus was born the modern synthesis, also now evolutionary theories continue to improve and change, so that while evolutionary theories have changed and scientific discussions around it are commonplace does not mean that there is disagreement on whether or not an evolutionary process as assume his detractors, They are usually people with poor education or with studies that have little to do with the subject and are often less interested in the true scientific discussions about evolution.

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